Chinese Medicine and the practice of acupuncture is a study of what produces health. Most healthcare systems today primarily focus on pathology, the study of what causes disease. From the Chinese perspective, to treat disease is to ignore the patient. Oftentimes, people seeking medical help are given a few minutes of attention, medication to alter and/or assist the body’s processes, and minimal advice on what they can do themselves to help alleviate what ails them. The problem with this approach is that it does not encourage or restore the body’s natural healing ability. By giving the body something to do the job for it, the deviant processes that are not producing health are reinforced. The system is convinced it does not have to do anything for itself because the intervention is doing the job for it. This type of intervention can slow down the destruction and degeneration caused by failing systems, but doesn’t restore the system’s ability for self-regeneration. To restore the system, one must look at the underlying failure, and then re-establish and support the systems and relationships that encourage the body to auto-regulate. This can only be done by looking at each individual case and developing a strategy that fits the individual.

There is no one size fits all treatment that works for everybody. Everyone is a unique individual with a unique cellular makeup and expression, their own personal worldview, a disparate lifestyle, and distinctive life experiences. All these factors play a role in their body’s current state and ability to heal itself. Chinese Medicine is a qualitative medicine, where the patient’s experience is what informs the treatment strategy. No two conditions are ever identical, whether through their expression or progression through the body, because no two people are ever identical. When seeking out treatment at Innerspring Acupuncture and Wellness, your treatment will be catered to you and you alone.      

Treatment at Innerspring Acupuncture and Wellness begins with a comprehensive initial intake which covers current symptoms, health history, and lifestyle. During the initial treatment, Chris covers all this information with you. During this time, you will be given the time and attention needed to discuss your experiences, concerns, and ask any questions you may have. This thorough intake will allow an opportunity for the root cause of the complaint to be discovered and for the formation of a unique treatment strategy tailored for your specific needs. The treatment strategy used will be one that supports the body and assists with the re-establishment and restoration of the intrinsic health producing processes of the body. Goals for treatment will be discussed and follow up treatments will be used to continually gauge your progress toward your goals as well as modifying the treatments as your needs change throughout the course of treatment. Dietary advice, lifestyle changes, and exercises may be given to empower you and assist your healing process outside of the clinic.